Hello, darklings,
It’s been a while since I’ve done a Friday Free-For-All. Mostly because a pox came upon Casa de Jude at the beginning of February in the form of 1) an allergic reaction, 2) a case of severe tonsillitis, 3) strep throat among the littles, and 4) an upper respiratory infection. All in the same week. This does not include the trip to the emergency room for my youngest in January after he fell on the claw part of a hammer and exposed a tendon in his knee. Home renovations are dangerous.
So some things have happened on THE MAY QUEEN MURDERS front. Publisher’s Weekly gave the book a STARRED review, stating, “Jude’s characters exude authenticity, and the suspense stayed palpable through the final pages.” Even Kirkus had something nice to say: “This present-day mystery is ripe with superstition and serves up an atmospheric, authentic-feeling setting.”
I am very humbled and thankful that my dark, little book is getting out into the world. It still seems unreal to me.
Also, my amazing author-artist pal Meghan Harker is designing a set of eight character cards for THE MAY QUEEN MURDERS. Yesterday, I unveiled the first of these cards, which features the main character, Ivy Templeton. There will be opportunities to win a set of these cards, and they are going on a very limited print run, so if you’re a collector, stay tuned!

Ivy Templeton. She is stronger than she seems.
So that’s about all for now! I’ll have character ready to view next week.
Less than two months. I can scarcely believe it.
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